Baseus Gentleman Style Vehicle-Mounted Trash Can

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سلة المهملات المثبتة على السيارة من Baseus Gentleman Style

منخفضة 5٫50 KWD
  • التسليم المتوقع: يوم العمل التالي و 3 أيام عمل للأجهزة المنزلية الكبيرة.
  • نقوم بالتوصيل داخل الكويت فقط. يرجى الانتباه إلى عنوان التوصيل الخاص بك.

The Baseus compact trash-can with a volume of 500 ml will perfectly keep your car clean. It fits easily into the beverage openings, side door, or armrest and can be opened with one click so you can always focus on driving.
Baseus car trash-can is characterized by high-quality and precise construction. Elegant and modern design makes it fit perfectly into the interior of any car.
The lightweight and compact design is made of aluminum alloy resistant to abrasion and oxidation. The bin can be sealed tightly, thus preventing the spread of unpleasant odors inside the vehicle.

Color: dark gray
Materials: aluminum alloy + ABS oxidation

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